Why Use Dental Implant With Dentures?

For the most stable type of denture restoration option for multiple missing teeth, a denture or partial denture that is supported by dental implants will give you a very strong chewing function. When a denture sits on the gums, the thickness and height of the bone and the thickness and height of the gum tissue above the bone play a critical role in the stability of the denture.

When dental implants are placed into the bone, they create a solid base for the denture to sit on. The denture won’t float around in your mouth like a traditional denture might, especially after years of use. The tissue under a denture can shrink or get irritated and that can affect the stability. When the denture is sitting on something solid like a dental implant, it is extremely solid and you should be able to eat most of the foods that you were accustomed to eating with your natural teeth.

How Does an Implant-Supported Denture Work?

The heads of the implant fixtures have a ball on the top of them. This allows a “socket” to be placed inside the denture to provide a solid stop for the denture when biting down. In places where we need an even stronger connection, we can use something called a “Locator” which has a small round platform and the opposing attachment snaps right into place, holding the denture down very stable while chewing. Generally, it takes four to six implants to stabilize a denture, however, in some cases, it can be adequate to have as few as two implants. If you are missing only a few teeth and need a partial denture, adding a couple of implants can help secure the partial in place.

To schedule your appointment for an implant supported denture contact Dr. James R. Donley of Lumbertown Dental Wellness in North Muskegon, Michigan today.